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    1. Guizhou Zhenqi Fine Chemical Limited Liability Company


      Calcium lactate

      Product Name: Calcium lactate
      CAS RN: 814-80-2;5743-48-6

      Molecular Formula:C6H10CaO6.5H2O
      Molecular Weight218.217
      TraitsWhite crystalline powder, no odor
      PurposeDietary supplement, acidity regulator, antioxidants, emulsifiers, stabilizers and coagulants, thickeners, as a calcium fortifier, can be used for bread, other sugar products, wheat flour, milk powder, tofu, fermented tofu, pickles and so on.


      Copyright(C)2021,Guizhou Zhenqi Fine Chemical Limited Liability Company All Rights Reserved. Supported by ChemNet ChinaChemNet Toocle 31fabu Copyright Notice

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